We would like to say thank you again to the amazing ASA staff for welcoming us, thank you to Shorthorn for teaching us all so many things and making our time here something we won’t ever forget. #shorthornlife #loveyall
We would like to say thank you again to the amazing ASA staff for welcoming us, thank you to Shorthorn for teaching us all so many things and making our time here something we won’t ever forget. #shorthornlife #loveyall
Now that we are past Junior Nationals and everything has been safely and neatly been organized back into the office, we’re ready to hit the pool for our ‘Shorthorn Summer’ (after work of course!)
Watching all of our hard work being put into Junior Nationals made a great week for all three of us. We greatly enjoyed out time, working with the Juniors, working with Jr. Board and being part of 2022 National Junior Shorthorn Show!
As may of us have, all three of us grew up in the cattle industry- and all three have a uniquely different experience. Growing up in different states heavily influenced this, but being at Shorthorn and preparing for Junior Nationals, thinking about what’s all going to happen- has made us all think of our own showing experiences & we thought we would share!
We hope you enjoy our agriculture facts and maybe learn something new about our states and what they bring to the dinner table!
– Lily, Sara, Regan
After meeting and living together for almost three weeks now, all of us interns always make dinner and talk together and of course the subject of agriculture came up! We all agreed on how big of a part agriculture played in our lives and how we would not be here today without it, of course we have to brag about it. All three being from different states led to a lengthy discussion of what our different states bring to the table and how our families and friends play their part in it!
Week two of our internship has started off strong and get to ready to learn some new things about ASA 2022 Summer Interns
We are so excited to be at the American Shorthorn Association this summer!